The ASCE Palm Beach Branch of the Florida Section was founded in 1952. Our branch has been active in the community, participating in events such as the Palm Beach Marathon, Mathcounts and holiday food drives. We have been holding an annual Bowl-a-Thon to benefit scholarships and the Florida Atlantic University ASCE Chapter’s participation in the Concrete Canoe Competition. The branch honors excellence in civil engineering and service to the engineering profession, and awards scholarships to civil engineering students at our annual Engineers in Government Night (EIGN) event. Without the support of our website advertising sponsors and the sponsors of Engineers in Government Night, these scholarships would not be possible.

The ASCE Palm Beach Branch is a part of the Florida Section, and includes members from Palm Beach County. We have many active committees, educational outreach opportunities, networking and social events, educational field trips and numerous opportunities to continue your professional education. The branch works closely on education, networking and support of the Florida Atlantic University ASCE Chapter. We also post available job opportunities in the area. As the Florida section states, our mission is to advance professional knowledge and improve the practice of civil engineering.